Our Silent Yacht Fund
Our lifestyle of near-constant trips is just a stepping stone to the next phase of our lives: sailing the world full-time as a family on a solar-powered Silent Yachts catamaran.
We’d actually be doing this already if we had enough money to buy the boat, but because of various factors (its high price tag, the depreciating nature of the asset, the fact that we’ll likely need to pay cash for it, and the need to limit the percentage of our total net worth that the boat represents), we need to save a lot more money before we can afford it.
To help make this plan a reality, we’ve created a separate financial fund specifically for this purchase. Our initial balance was below 1% of the total goal, but through hard work and smart investing, we expect our progress to accelerate through 2022.
Here’s a 2020 episode that further explains our thought process:
Progress Toward Goal: 44%
It’s important to note that we don’t want a yacht for the purpose of throwing elaborate deck parties with celebrities while popping bottles of Dom. We just want to experience—as a family—myriad cultures, soaking up history and gaining new perspectives, all while learning to better contribute to the world. And having a roaming home that takes us to each of these destinations makes that lifestyle more realistic and grounded for us and our kids.
We grow the fund through multiple income channels
We make progress toward our goal by leveraging as many income channels as we can assemble. Right now, those consist primarily of:
Income from our primary business: Distill
Sales of ABC branded merchandise
Commissions from our various affiliate partnerships (like Amazon.com)
Sponsorships of our YouTube episodes
Investment portfolio growth
Speaking fees
Book sales
Please consider…
We don’t talk about (or vlog about) our life to impress others, but instead to impress upon others that any goal is realistic if you get specific about what you want, how you plan to get there, and how you’re progressing over time. We hope that being open and excited about our own goals will inspire other families to chase their own dreams and live in whatever way is most fulfilling for them. Thanks for joining us on our journey.